“I like that you get to see the other students over the screen and it’s easier to communicate and harder to get distracted.â€
Ruby, was a Year 7 eCalrossy student, from Packsaddle near Broken Hill. She loved Calrossy so much she is now in Boarding in Year 9.
Distance education can be demanding as a parent, but with this Ruby was 100% independent. It set her up for her future schooling and provided a true reflection of where Ruby was at academically.â€
Rebecca (mother, Banoon Station, 75 kilometres north east of Mildura)
eCalrossy has been a complete game changer for our family!
Bree (mother)
I like that I get to interact everyday with the other kids in my class. Mrs Truter is so kind! My favourite subject is Japanese, as I have always wanted to learn a different language,
Alice (Year 6, Banoon Station, north west of Mildura)
“It was great, a lot of fun. My favourite part of camp was the BMX track… it was nice to meet the other kids and they were very friendly and made me feel included,â€
Archie (Year 6, Blantyre Station, 90 kilometres north east of Menindee)
“There was never any doubt that he wouldn’t go to camp but after he returned from the first residential it was the only thing he could talk about for most of the term. It was very fortunate for us that his older sister Charlotte (in Year 8 eCalrossy) also had camp the same week, so it was an easy decision to make the journey for them to attend,â€
Sally (mother)