
Where is Senior School (10-12) located?

Our Senior students in Years 10 to 12 are located on the Brisbane Street Campus in the heart of Tamworth.

Secondary School Hours

The hours of operation on each campus differ slightly for our Secondary students. This is necessary to fit in with the local school bus timetables.

In Secondary there are five period in each day as can be seen below. These periods run between 55 to 60 minutes.

How does the School communicate with parents?

Calrossy has its own intranet, called The HUB. Students and parents are given logins to this system when their enrolment at the School is finalised.

The HUB is the one stop shop for all information, from newsletters, assessments, daily notices, photo galleries, course ­class pages and extra-curricular activities including sport.

There is also the Calrossy Anglican School App for mobile devices that allows you access to most of the above information.

Why does Calrossy Secondary have the MacBook program?

The modern world is a digitally connected world and as our students continue their learning in Secondary school, it is imperative that they develop their skills in the effective and safe use of technology. Students are issued with a 1:1 MacBook which remains under their care for their secondary schooling, being refreshed with a new device in Year 10. This device enables teachers to utilise a huge variety of learning resources and tools and students to gain explicit instruction in how to evaluate these resources for reliability and use the tools effectively and safely. The provision of a school-owned and managed device allows for a better and more uniform experience for students and teachers, in contrast to other schools using a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) model, which often results in wasted time as students and teachers struggle with technical issues or incompatibilities.

What Expeditions do Calrossy Secondary students participate in?

Expeditions are considered to be important parts of a student’s education 98ÌÃapp Anglican School and students are expected to attend. Expeditions are important times for students to get to know each other, and staff, in a different context as well as providing opportunities for students to step outside their comfort zone and experience new ideas and challenges.

Expeditions are covered under the co-curricular fee and incur no additional charge.

In 2024 the expeditions are;

Year 7 - Tea Gardens
Year 8 - Pindari Life Adventures
Year 9 – Sydney/Blue Mountains
Year 10 – Action Learning Initiatives Pty Ltd - Jindabyne
Year 11 – Emu Gully Adventure Education Group

Absences and Attendance

It is a legal requirement that all absences are explained.

Student absences can be reported to the school via email to attendance@calrossy.nsw.edu.au or alternatively by using the Absence button on the Calrossy App.

Please note: Once rolls are marked in period 1, SMS messages are automatically sent to the mobile phone of parents whose children are marked absent from school.

Health Centre

Students who become ill or who are injured should let their teacher or supervisor know immediately. Both campuses have a nurse on duty, who will assess and treat the student, and call parents and an ambulance if necessary.

Health Centre staff may also organise health checks, co-ordinate any vaccinations which may be made available by State Health and run special health information programmes.

Students (boarders) may request to see other health professionals (eg: doctor, dentist) and arrangements can be made through the Health Centre. Parents are responsible for payment for these appointments.

Each year parents are also asked to complete a Health Update/Excursion Health form. The information provided is used for the purpose of updating the main health form, and for staff to take on excursions. Students may not participate in any excursions until the form is returned.

In the case of boarders all medication, including common analgesics, must be handed to Health Centre staff and will be dispensed by staff. Day students’ parents should inform Health Centre staff when their child needs to take medications as arrangements will be made for this to be dispensed by staff. Some infectious diseases require exclusion from school. Further advice may be sought from Health Centre staff or a medical practitioner.

Transport to and from Calrossy?

Parents must apply through the School Student Transport Scheme for a bus pass for their children to travel to and from school. Further information on this can be found on the parent’s page of The HUB once your child is enrolled 98ÌÃapp.

Boarders are transported to and from their campuses, by the School, every day if required.

What structure does Calrossy have for its sports and cultural house system?

Calrossy's House structure comprises four houses representing all students from Prep to Year 12. These houses are named after prominent Australians who excelled in their fields. Your child will be allocated to a house and all family members will belong to the same house.  The houses are as follows

Nicholls - Named after Sir Douglas Nicholls, the first Australian Indigenous Governor, Christian charitable worker and AFL player. The Red and Black colours are taken from the Aboriginal Flag.

Sheean - named after Teddy Sheean, winner of the Victoria Cross for bravery in the Royal Australian Navy, with Sky Blue and White representing the ocean and sky.

Cuthbert - In honour of Betty Cuthbert who was a multiple gold medalist and advocate for disability. Green and Gold will be their House colours.

Hamlin - Named after Dr Catherine Hamlin, with Black and White representing cultural diversity and dignity for all people.


Calrossy Anglican School has a rich tradition of distinctive and sophisticated uniforms and students are expected to wear the Calrossy uniform with pride in themselves, their personal appearance and in their membership of our School community. Students wear our Summer uniform in Terms One and Four and Winter uniform in terms two and three. 

Calrossy adheres to a strict uniform policy and students are expected to be neat and well-groomed at all times. Only School approved uniform items are to be worn. Please visit our website for our full school uniform lists including sport and optional items. 

For enquiries or to make an appointment with The Uniform Shop for your child’s personal uniform fitting, phone 02 5776 5194.

The Uniform Shop is open three (3) days per week during the school term.

Monday 8am - 4.30pm

Wednesday 11am - 4.30pm

Friday 8am - 4.30pm 

Online shopping is also available.

View list of requirements and prices

Sports uniform is worn for some PDHPE lessons, organised sport, fitness and activities such as cross country. The sports uniform must only be worn during these periods and not to and from school.

A guide to wearing the uniform can be found on the HUB.

What academic support is available in Secondary?

On our Brisbane Street and William Cowper Campuses, there is an extensive extra academic support program where staff are available at set times (lunch or after school) or by appointment in the Resource Centres on each campus. A timetable is issued each term and can be found on The HUB, so that students are aware which teachers are available on a particular day. 

These sessions are partly aimed at encouraging all students to take greater responsibility for their own learning. They are not lessons or tutorials but rather one-on-one assistance. Students who attend these sessions will need to bring assess­ments or homework for which they need further explanation or come with a particular aspect of a course which they have found difficult and which they wish to understand more deeply and require extension. These sessions are an excellent opportunity for students to increase the level of success they experience and to further their joy of learning.

What is Senior Secondary?

All students in Years 10 -12 learn at the Brisbane Street Campus in coeducational classes. The focus of this campus is to empower these young adults to become accountable, confident and inspired learners and provide pathways for their future.

Our aim 98ÌÃapp Senior Secondary  is to create meaningful pathways and opportunities, alongside relevant real world skills for life beyond school.  

How does this model benefit our Year 10-12 students?

A specialised Senior Campus promotes independence and enhanced learning in the final three years of their education journey. Specific resources relevant to these years are provided, such as Careers, Senior science equipment, etc. It supports our teachers to broaden academic and co-curricular pathways for Senior students and minimises travel time, ensuring the best academic and wellbeing outcomes for boys and girls.

What facilities are provided for boys and girls on the Brisbane Street Campus?

The campus has a Senior Study Centre, supporting the development of independent learning. This includes the creation of study areas and appropriate recreational facilities. 

A priority of our Senior Secondary is to provide pathways for these older students whether that is vocational, academic or otherwise. Calrossy has a dynamic Careers Program with strong partnerships with industry and other education providers, ensuring all students are supported in their career interests.

How does this model promote leadership for our senior students?

Leadership is an intentional feature of student life 98ÌÃapp. The Servant Leadership model is integral to our approach, in which a leader supports and serves those that they lead, rather than merely holding a position or wearing a badge. We believe that the input of older students into the life of the younger ones is very important to our ethos. Specific opportunities and training are embedded into each step of our School journey to support the growth and development of leadership skills and understanding of all students.

How does Calrossy provide for the Wellbeing needs for every child in these Senior Secondary years?

The Calrossy commitment to pastoral care remains a central part of our School. Age appropriate Mentor groups have a key role to play, with small groups led by a member of the academic staff, who takes a close interest in the wellbeing of the individual. Specific activities and support are provided at each stage, utilising the expertise of classroom teachers, Leaders of Wellbeing and the specialist staff who are part of our Wellbeing team.

Our specialised Senior Secondary Campus allows us to target the wellbeing and social needs of these emerging young adults in different ways as they approach the end of the school journey. Support is included in Study, Wellbeing, Career and Tertiary Education planning, Chaplaincy and Health.

Summary of Year 10 subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Christian Studies
  • 2x elective
  • Active elective (1 periods per fortnight)
Elective Courses for Years 9 and 10
Elective Courses for Years 9 and 10 (unless otherwise stated) Faculty
Agriculture Technology TAS
Commerce HSIE
Graphics Technology TAS
Dance CAPA
Drama CAPA
Food Technology TAS
Geography (elective) HSIE
German LOTE
History (elective) HSIE
Industrial Technology TAS
Computing Technology TAS
Japanese LOTE
Music Music
Photography and Digital Media CAPA
Physical Activity and Sports Study PDHPE
Textiles Technology TAS
Visual Arts CAPA


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