
School Governance

Our Board Members are a vital part of our Calrossy School Community.

Calrossy Anglican School Board Members 2024

Board Members 2024

  • Ven Ian Millican Chair
  • Cameron Stewart Deputy Chair
  • Kim Scott
  • Karen Madirazza
  • Neil Smith
  • Rev Paul Foster
  • Geoff Deane
  • Andrew Corbett
  • Ven Tory Cayzer

Ex Officios

  • David Smith Principal
  • Colin Chandler Chief Operating Officer
  • Rev Mark Rundle Chaplain

Committee Chairs

  • Finance Kim Scott
  • Governance Neil Smith
  • Master Planning Cameron Stewart
  • RiskÌý°Õµþ°ä
  • Foundation Louise Ingall
  • Strategic Planning Ian Millican
  • Nominations Ian Millican

Download our

2023 Annual Report

Discover the heart of Calrossy Anglican School through our Annual Report. Delve into the milestones, achievements, and future aspirations of our vibrant community. Gain insight into our commitment to student success, well-being, and academic excellence. Download now and be inspired by the Calrossy journey and its impact on tomorrow's leaders.





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